
Showing posts from May, 2019

25+ Interesting Facts About Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees (both common chimp and bonobo) are the  closest relatives of human beings. They share 98.7% of their DNA with humans. ( Source ) Chimpanzees are physically  more powerful than humans. But humans have more slow-twitch muscle fibers (used for endurance). These fibers allow us to walk and run long distances. It is not possible for chimpanzees. ( Source ) Walking on two legs is a significant visible feature that distinguishes humans from chimps. According to a study, humans consume 1/4 of the energy while walking on two feet compared to chimpanzees walking on four feet (knuckle-walking). Chimps consume the same amount of energy when they walk on two feet. ( Source ) Chimpanzees are the only great apes involved in the  organized hunting  of large  animals . They usually target mammals on both ground and treetops. They frequently hunt monkeys, antelopes, flying  squirrels , and tree pangolins. ( Source ) The hunting behavior is s...

40+ Interesting Facts About Camels

There are three  living species of camels: dromedary (or Arabian) camel, Bactrian camel, and wild Bactrian camel. More than 90% population of camels is composed of dromedary camels. It is present mainly in the Middle East and North Africa region. There are  1,000 names for camels in the Arabic language. These names describe important features of various camel types. ( Source ) Dromedary is the  largest camel species . It has a shoulder height of 1.8-2.1 m (6 ft.-6 ft. 10 in.) and weighs between 450 and 690 kg. ( Source ) Camel milk is  healthier than cow’s milk . It is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance. It has more Vitamin C and iron than cow’s milk. Camel’s milk also boosts immune system and fights several diseases. ( Source ) In  Saudi Arabia , Bedouin tribes present roasted camels stuffed with sheep and other animals as a dish in the Arabic wedding feast. It is known as the  world’s largest meal . Bactrian and wild Bactrian ca...

15 Interesting Facts About Armadillos

Armadillos are present in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. There are more than 20 species of these mammals. The most prominent and distinguishing feature of armadillos is their leathery armor shell . This stiff skin material protects the mammal from predators. The number of bands on their shells assists in distinguishing different species of armadillo. ( Source )   The giant armadillo has at least 74 teeth. These are the  highest number of teeth  for any land-based mammal. ( Source ) The giant armadillo has the  longest claws  among extant animals. This strange mammal also has the largest ratio of claws in the animal kingdom (both existing and extinct animals), with a 22% claw-to-body ratio. ( Source ) The shell of armadillos is the product of thousands of tiny bony plates , known as osteoderms. These shells are strong but very light and flexible, which doesn’t hinder the movement of this mammal. ( Source )  Armadillo shell is ...

20 Interesting Facts About Anteaters

There are four species of anteaters: giant anteater, southern tamandua, northern tamandua, and silky anteater. Anteaters vary in size . They can be as large as 1.8 m long (giant anteater) and as small as only 35 cm in length (silky anteater). Anteaters have one of the lowest body temperatures among mammals . The lowest-ever body temperature recorded for a placental mammal is 32.7 Celsius in giant anteaters. Tamandua anteater has one of the worst smells in the animal kingdom. It helps the animal to avoid predators like jaguars and other cats . While facing danger, it can also release a very  unpleasant odor   through the gland at the base of its tail. ( Source ) Giant anteaters have powerful claws, which they use to find their food and for defensive purpose. They can even  kill a jaguar  with their large and powerful claws. ( Source ) Giant anteaters can also  kill human beings . Few incidents of anteaters killing hunters with their claws have been recor...

30+ Interesting Facts About Parrots

There are around 400 species of parrots on earth . They are divided into three superfamilies: true parrots, New Zealand parrots, and cockatoos.  These birds are present in tropical and subtropical regions (particularly  South America and Australasia). Parrots are one of the most ancient pets  in the world. They were kept as pets by ancient Greek and Romans. Parrots synthesize red, orange, and yellow pigments. These  pigments are not present in any other organism and can resist the bacterial degradation of feathers. ( Source ) Parrots have powerful beaks. According to estimates, the  bite strength  of a large parrot is equal to that of a dog. They can crush Brazil nuts and break a weld on metal cage bars. Various species of macaws and cockatoos have stronger bites than other parrots.  Seeds are the favorite food of parrots and constitute about 70% of their diet. Many of these seeds, especially in the Amazon rainforest, are  nutritious...

30 Interesting Facts About Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers are present everywhere on earth , except in  Polar Regions and a few island countries (Australasia, Madagascar , etc.). Woodpeckers usually live in woodland and forests habitat where trees are abundant. They dig holes in tree trunks with their exceptionally strong beaks. Woodpeckers use their beaks  to eat insects. They also communicate through beaks by drumming them with trees. The drumming sound of woodpeckers has various purposes. It indicates their species, emotional state, and individual recognition. There are different patterns of drumming for all these purposes. Apart from drumming, woodpeckers also use chirps, chatters, and other   calls for communication.  They cannot sing due to the absence of vocal cords .  They also use the holes made in trees for nesting  or a place to spend winter s. Few species use the same hole next year, while others build new holes every year . Making holes in trees is helpful for trees also. These bi...

40+ Interesting Facts About France

France, a country in Western Europe, is the second most populous and the second largest country  among countries present entirely in Europe. France has the highest  ratio of roundabouts  in the world. There is one roundabout for every 45 intersections in France. ( Source ) The Musee du Louvre in Paris is the biggest and  most visited art museum . Around 38,000 artistic objects in this museum attract millions of visitors annually. Disneyland Paris is the  most visited theme park  in Europe . It was visited by more than 13 million people in 2016, far more than the attendance of the 2 nd  most visited European theme park (Europa Park in Germany with 5.6 million visitors). ( Source ) France has the highest number of time zones  in the world. Due to several overseas territories around the world, there are 12 time zones in this European country. These overseas territories provide a vital economic benefit to France regarding its share of the Exclus...

60+ Interesting Facts About UK

The United Kingdom, commonly known as Britain, is the third most populous country in Europe (after Germany and France). Britain was the world’s first industrialized country . The Industrial Revolution started in the UK in the 18 th  Century. ( Source ) London Underground is the oldest and one of the longest metro systems  in the world. It opened in 1863 and has a total length of 402 km with 270 stations. ( Source ) The world’s first speeding ticket  was issued to a motorist in 1896 in Kent, England. At that time, the speed limit for cars was 2 mph, while the motorist was driving his vehicle at 8 mph. ( Source ) The  world’s oldest calendar  was discovered in Scotland in 2013. It is a lunar calendar that is almost 10,000 years old. ( Source ) The Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is known as the  shortest war  in history. The war ended after 38 minutes with an easy British victory. ( Source ) The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in...