25+ Interesting Facts About Chimpanzees
Chimpanzees (both common chimp and bonobo) are the closest relatives of human beings. They share 98.7% of their DNA with humans. ( Source ) Chimpanzees are physically more powerful than humans. But humans have more slow-twitch muscle fibers (used for endurance). These fibers allow us to walk and run long distances. It is not possible for chimpanzees. ( Source ) Walking on two legs is a significant visible feature that distinguishes humans from chimps. According to a study, humans consume 1/4 of the energy while walking on two feet compared to chimpanzees walking on four feet (knuckle-walking). Chimps consume the same amount of energy when they walk on two feet. ( Source ) Chimpanzees are the only great apes involved in the organized hunting of large animals . They usually target mammals on both ground and treetops. They frequently hunt monkeys, antelopes, flying squirrels , and tree pangolins. ( Source ) The hunting behavior is s...