25 Interesting Facts About Groundhogs

Groundhog is one of the 14 species of marmot, a giant ground squirrel . It is also called the woodchuck. Groundhogs are present only in North America, from Canada to the continental USA. Groundhogs are one of the few true hibernating animals . During the hibernation period in winter, their heart rate decreases from 75 beats to 4 bps. Their breathing rate and body temperature also reduce considerably. Groundhogs eat a large amount of food in the summer and autumn seasons. It assists them in developing fat reserves before hibernation in winter. The Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) in groundhogs was the first such virus discovered after hepatitis B (HBV). Due to its similarity with HBV in humans, laboratory testing of groundhogs played a vital role in finding treatment for HBV in humans. ( Source ) Groundhogs usually inhabit meadows, open fields, and forest edges. Sometimes, they are present in forests . Groundhogs produce a whistling sound when scared...