50 Interesting Facts About Chickens
Chicken is the domesticated subspecies of the wild red jungle fowl , native to South Asia and Southeast Asia . Chicken also has some relation to the other three species of jungle fowls. A male chicken is known as cock or rooster, while a female is called a hen. Roosters are aggressive, with thicker legs and longer combs and wattles. Hackle and saddle feathers are also different in cocks and hens. Chicken domestication started in Southeast Asia or India around 7,400 years ago. The initial domestication of chickens was either for cockfighting or religious purposes. The domestic chicken is the most common bird in the world. Its estimated population is more than 22 billion. Red-billed quelea is the second-most populous bird, with an estimated population of 1.5 billion. ( Source ) The Ayam cemini chicken in Indonesia is one of the most pigmented animals on earth . All parts of its body, including feathers, beak, tongue, comb, toes, meat, and bones are bluish-black....