30+ Interesting Facts About Termites
Termites have various similarities with ants and are commonly known as “white ants.” However, they have no relation to ants. The closest relatives of termites are cockroaches . ( Source ) There are more than 2,500 termite species on earth . More than 1,000 of these species are present in Africa. They build mounds up to 5 m (17 ft.) high. A termite colony consists of a queen, a king, workers, and soldiers. 10% of all biomass in the tropics is composed of termites. ( Source ) Apart from the king and queen, there are (primary and supplementary) reproductives, workers, and soldiers in a termite colony . Workers and soldiers can be male or female and are sterile. Reproductive termites can replace king and queen in case of their death. All nymphs in a colony are genetically similar. Queen can assign any role to them according to the requirement of the colony. King, queen, and reproductives have weak eyes, while workers and soldiers are blind . All members in a colony communicate thro...