
Showing posts from October, 2023

20+ Interesting Facts About Mozambique

Mozambique is a coastal country in southeastern Africa. It borders the Indian Ocean to the east and has a tropical climate. Mozambique shares land borders with Tanzania, Malawi , Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Eswatini. The Mozambique Channel separates the country from Madagascar and Comoros. Mozambique has the  fourth longest coastline  in Africa after  Madagascar ,  Somalia , and South Africa. The length of its coastline is 2,470 km. Bantu people started migrating towards Mozambique in 400 BC, while this process continued by 400 AD. Islam arrived in its coastal areas around 1000 AD due to the development of port towns for trade in the Indian Ocean . The Portuguese captured Mozambique at the beginning of the 16 th Century. The colonization of Portugal continued until 1975. The Mozambican War of Independence started in 1964 and continued for ten years. Later, Portugal agreed to liberate Mozambique, and it became an independent country in 1975. After indepen...

20+ Interesting Facts About Toucans

Toucans are arboreal birds of the Neotropical Region. They are particularly famous for their long and colorful bills. There are nearly 40 species of toucans. Aracaris and toucanets are also part of this bird family. They are present in Central and South America . The closest relatives of toucans are New World barbets and woodpeckers. They resemble hornbills , native to Asia and Africa , but both birds are unrelated and belong to different orders. Toucans usually inhabit the canopy of rainforests and rarely visit the forest floor layer. They live in nests on treetops and use abandoned nests of woodpeckers or natural holes in tree cavities for this purpose. All toucan species are non-migratory except  mountain toucans . These birds inhabit the highest altitude among toucans in the Andes Mountains. They move up and down the  mountains  in different seasons to collect available fruits. The most prominent feature of toucans is their  colorful bills , which could be ...

30 Interesting facts About Hamsters

Hamsters are small rodents native to Eurasia . Their closest relatives are lemmings, voles, muskrats, mice, etc. There are nearly 20 living species of hamsters, while five of these are common as pets. The most famous is the Syrian or golden hamster. After their discovery in 1797 in the wild, the breeding of Syrian hamsters started in 1930 at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. This process initiated the domestication of hamsters. ( Source ) Common (or European) hamsters are the largest species, with a body length of up to 34 cm (13.4 inches). The smallest ones are dwarf desert hamsters having a length between 5 and 10 cm (2 to 4 inches). Scientists have discovered fossils of extinct hamster species from North Africa . However, no living hamster species inhabit this region. The primary food of hamsters is grains. However, they are omnivorous mammals that also eat seeds, roots, fruits, and small animals, including invertebrates. Chocolate is toxic  to hamsters because they cannot digest...

25 Interesting facts About the Sahara Desert

The Sahara is the largest hot desert and the third largest desert in the world after two polar deserts ( Antarctica and the Arctic). It spans 11 countries of this region. This desert covers almost the entire northern Africa except small areas in the north with a Mediterranean climate. It borders the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlas Mountains in the north, the Red Sea in the East, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Sahel (a semiarid region) in the south. The Sahara Desert is primarily rocks, limestones, and sandstones, while the sand covers only 25% of its surface. Several dunes can reach up to 500 feet, while the height of ergs (sand seas) can be 1000 feet.   The summit of Mount Koussi (11,204 feet) in Chad is the highest point in the Sahara Desert. The lowest point in this desert is the Qattara Depression (436 feet below sea level) in Egypt. According to the latest research, the Sahara Desert formed around  7 million years ago  after the drying of this region b...

20 Interesting Facts About the Asteroid Belt

The asteroid belt is a region between the orbits of planets Mars and Jupiter. It contains the highest collection of asteroids in the solar system. This belt is similar to a boundary between the inner terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and outer gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus , and Neptune). Various images and videos show the asteroid belt as a very crowded place. However, the average space between two asteroids in this belt is several million kilometers. Therefore, there is almost no chance of a spacecraft colliding with an asteroid, while the collision of a 1-kilometer asteroid occurs on average after several billion years. ( Source ) The alternative name of this region is the “ main asteroid belt .” The reason is to distinguish it from other places with high concentrations of asteroids. These include Trojans (asteroids present in the orbit of other planets) and near-earth asteroids. There are Jupiter Trojans, Neptune Trojans, and Mars Trojans. The asteroid b...