40 Interesting Facts About Crocodiles
There are 23 living species of crocodiles on earth. At least 7 of them are extremely dangerous for humans. The range of crocodiles is in the continents of Asia , Africa , Australia, and the Americas. They prefer lowland, humid areas. Crocodiles twist their prey violently to tear it apart. This process is known as the “death roll,” which is present in 24 of the 25 living crocodile species. ( Source ) Due to the lack of sex-determined chromosomes, the nest temperature determines the gender of eggs in alligators. Temperature above 34 Celsius in the nest produces all-male offspring. ( Source ) The largest crocodile is the Saltwater Crocodile (20 to 23 feet in length and 1,000 to 1,200 kg in weight). It has a presence from the eastern coast of India to Southeast Asia and Australia . The saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile on earth. Nine of the ten largest living reptiles on earth belong to the crocodile f...