25 Interesting Facts About Gazelles
Gazelles are hoofed mammals related to antelopes . They inhabit arid (desert, semi-desert, and waterless steppe) regions of Asia and Africa. Gazelles are now present only in Asia and Africa, but were once also present in Europe . Gazella borbonica was the last gazelle species in Europe , which became extinct nearly 1.8 million years ago. The maximum speed of gazelles is 50 mph (80 km/h), but can escape from the world’s fastest animal cheetah, with a top speed of 68 mph (110 km/h). Cheetahs can maintain their full speed for only 400 yards, while gazelles have this ability for 5 km (5,468 yards). Additionally, gazelles cheat their predators by changing directions quickly. ( Source ) Gazelles are highly social animals . They live in large herds in areas with abundant food and relatively smaller ones in dry regions. They establish bachelor, female, and mixed herds according to their habitat and species. These groups are usually without any leader. Gazelles generally mark their territ...