
Showing posts from June, 2019

40 Interesting Facts About Greece

Greece is an ancient country in southern and southeastern Europe. It is located at the junction of Europe, Asia , and Africa .  Greece is a predominantly mountainous country. Around 80% area is mountainous, which makes it one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. More than 90% of Greeks are adherents of Eastern Orthodox Christianity . It is one of the highest (or 2 nd highest after Serbia) percentages of this Christian sect in the world. Greece has the  3 rd longest coastline in Europe and one of the longest in the world. Its length is 13,676 km. ( Source ) The initial rules for urban waste management originated in ancient Greece around 2,400 years ago. However, the  first landfills for rubbish  were dug 5,000 years ago in the Greek city of Knossos. ( Source ) Ancient Greece is the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of western philosophy, literature, drama, democracy, the Olympic Games, the theatre, etc. Greece became a united country in...

50 Interesting Facts About Germany

Germany, a country in Central Europe, is the most populous country  among countries located entirely in Europe. The population in Germany is the oldest in Europe and the  2 nd  oldest in the world . The average age of Germans is 46.5 years. ( Source ) Germany has the world’s best recycling rate . The country recycles more than 56% of its municipal waste. ( Source ) Baby names in Germany need approval from the civil registration office. In case of rejection, parents can submit a new name with an additional fee. A personal name cannot be a product, brand, or place name. It must not be associated with evil or religious insensitivity. The gender of the child must be apparent with his/her name. Germany has the largest  usable railway lines  in Europe . The length of the railway network in Germany is more than 39,000 km. ( Source ) Berlin Zoological Garden is the  largest zoo  in the world. There are more than 48,000  animals  of ...

40+ Interesting Facts About Crabs

There are thousands of known species of crabs on earth. Their closest relatives are shrimp, crayfish, and lobsters.  The coconut crab is the  largest land invertebrate animal on earth . It has a leg span of more than 1 m and can weigh up to 4 kg. ( Source ) Injured crabs can rip off their claws. Adults can  regenerate claws  within a year, while this process is faster in juveniles. ( Source ) Fiddler crabs cannot move their eyes but have almost  all-around vision  due to their 9000 separate eye facets. They can also see in near UV and other colors. Decorator crabs, brown crabs, and a few other species have  teeth-like structures  in their stomach. These teeth grind food and help in easier digestion. ( Source ) Crabs are present in all oceans , along with freshwater and land. Their highest concentration is in tropical and semi-tropical regions of the earth. King crabs have made their place in  waters around  Antarctica  than...

30+ Interesting Facts About Cockroaches

There are more than 4,600 species of cockroaches on earth. They  are present on every  continent  except  Antarctica . Out of these large numbers of species, about 30 cockroach species are present in the human habitat. Among these, only four are pests . Cockroaches  evolved around 300 million years ago, even before the emergence of different  continents . It is one reason that they are present almost everywhere on earth. ( Source ) Cockroaches  change their gait to run at higher speeds when in danger. The cockroach is the first insect where this type of gear shifting (equivalent to a horse switching from trot to gallop) has been seen. ( Source ) Pest cockroaches spread filth and cause material damage. They feed on human feces and food and thus can spread disease-causing germs . They act like houseflies and play a supplementary role in causing diseases. They are carriers of germs that cause poliomyelitis, cholera, diarrhea, plag...

25+ Interesting Facts About Honduras

Honduras is the second-largest country in Central America by area (112,090 km 2 ) and population (more than 9 million). Honduras is the  least developed country  in Central America. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world as more than 66% population is living below the poverty line. Honduras has the highest level of economic inequality in Latin America and one of the highest homicide rates in the world. ( Source ) La Mosquitia is the easternmost part of Honduras. This region consists of tropical rainforests,  rivers , savannas, lagoons, and mangrove swamps and is known as the  largest wilderness area in Central America. In the same region La Mosquitia, the ancient archaeology of “White City” (also known as the “City of the monkey god”) was discovered in 2015. It was one of the  last scientifically unexplored places on  earth , and the most undisturbed rainforest in Central America. Humans had not seen its  animals  previously....