35+ Interesting Facts About Pigs
Pigs, also known as swine or hog, are domesticated mammals raised for their meat (pork), fat (lard), leather, and other purposes. Pigs are closely related to wild boars. Their domestication started around 8500 BC in the Near East. The development of European pigs was the result of the integration of domestic pigs and the European wild boars by 4500 BC. ( Source ) Pigs are naturally inclined to eat feces and garbage . It was a significant reason for the domestication of pigs. ( Source ) Replacing human jawbones and their connecting joints is difficult due to their shape and other requirements. However, an experiment proves that pig fat can replace human fat in this process. ( Source ) The Big bill of the Poland-China breed was the largest pig ever . It was 5 ft. tall and weighs 1,157 kg. Pygmy hog is the smallest breed where males can attain up to 10 kg of weight and just over 2 ft. in height. Both domestic and wild pigs have thick skin with adipose tissue...