
Showing posts from June, 2022

35+ Interesting Facts About Pigs

Pigs, also known as swine or hog, are domesticated mammals raised for their meat (pork), fat (lard), leather, and other purposes. Pigs are closely related to wild boars. Their  domestication started  around 8500 BC in the Near East. The development of European pigs was the result of the integration of domestic pigs and the European wild boars by 4500 BC. ( Source ) Pigs are naturally inclined to  eat feces and garbage . It was a significant reason for the domestication of pigs. ( Source ) Replacing  human jawbones and their connecting joints is difficult due to their shape and other requirements. However, an experiment proves that pig fat can replace human fat in this process. ( Source ) The Big bill of the Poland-China breed was the  largest pig ever . It was 5 ft. tall and weighs 1,157 kg. Pygmy hog is the smallest breed where males can attain up to 10 kg of weight and just over 2 ft. in height. Both domestic and wild pigs have thick skin with adipose tissue...

30 Interesting Facts About Kenya

Kenya is a country in East Africa bordering the Indian Ocean to the east. It shares land borders with several countries in other directions.  Kenya has  diverse geography . It includes snow-clad mountains , forests , deserts , coastal areas, plateaus, etc. Kenya has the highest number of  national parks  in Africa . These 23 national parks conserve marine and wildlife. ( Source ) There are 64 lakes in Kenya. These are the  second-highest number of lakes  in Africa, after 69 in Uganda . Kenya is a  multiethnic country  where no ethnicity establishes a clear majority. The largest ethnic groups are Kikuyu, Luhya, and Kalenjin. Kenya is the 3 rd  largest producer and 2 nd  largest  exporter of tea  in the world. It is the only African country among the top 10 tea-producing and exporting countries. ( Source )  ( Source )   Kenya is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of  cut flowers . It is the second-...

40+ Interesting Facts About Deer

Deer are divided into two groups,  cervinae (the Old World deer) and capreolinae (the New World deer). Both these groups have separate foot structures. Male deer of all species, except the Chinese water deer, have antlers. Both male and female reindeer have antlers. Deer antlers are the  fastest-growing tissue  in any mammal that grow an inch per day. In addition to fighting, deer also use antlers for digging ground in search of food. ( Source ) Deer shed and re-grow antlers every year. The growth of new antlers can take up to 150 days in a few species. The  largest antler ever recorded belonged to the extinct Irish elk or giant deer. The male had antlers that span up to 3.6 m (11ft. 9.7 in.). This deer vanished around 11,700 years ago. The  largest deer species  was the broad-fronted stag moose, with height and weight up to 2.5 m (8 ft. 2 in.) and 1,200 kg. It perished at least 0.21 million years ago. ( Source ) Deer grow antlers by using a growth hormone...

60+ Interesting Facts About Singapore

Singapore is a city-state in maritime Southeast Asia, located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. The country is composed of Singapore Island and more than 60 islets. Johor Strait separates Singapore Island from Peninsular Malaysia. Singapore is the 2 nd most densely populated sovereign country after Monaco. More than 8,000 people live per square km in this Asian country. ( Source ) The inhabitants of Singapore have the highest IQ (Intelligent Quotient) level in the world. The result is based on nine international studies between 1990 and 2010. ( Source ) Singapore has four official languages : English, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. The latter three represent the languages of country's major ethnic groups. The population of Singapore is ethnically diverse . More than 74% are Chinese, nearly 14% are Malay, and 9% have Indian origin. Singapore is one of a dozen countries with 100% of the urban population. Kuwait is the only other sovereign country in Asia with a 10...

40+ Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tiger is the largest extant member of big cats . They initially appeared on earth around 2 million years ago.  Tiger is an apex predator that likes to eat medium-sized animals such as deer and wild pigs. They also consume small animals, like porcupines . Occasionally, they also hunt and eat large animals:  bears , leopards, buffaloes, and calves of rhinos and elephants . After eating, they hide their remaining prey to use later. There are six subspecies  of tigers: the Siberian (or Amur) tiger, the Bengal tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Indochinese tiger, the South China tiger, and the Malayan tiger. The Siberian tiger is the largest that can weigh 300 kg or more. The smallest is the Sumatran tiger, which can weigh around 100 kg. The three extinct subspecies are the Caspian tiger, the Bali tiger, and the Javan tiger. ( Source ) Amur, or Siberian tiger, is the  largest feline  (cat) on earth . Male Siberian tigers can reach more than 3.3 m (10 ft. 9 in.) in l...