25+ Interesting Facts About Vultures
Vulture is the most famous scavenger among birds. It is present on all continents except Australia and Antarctica . Vultures are among the few land birds that can remain in the air for long periods without flapping their wings. They do so thanks to low wing loading and low aspect ratio of wings. ( Source ) It is a myth that vultures circle dead or dying animals. They sit and patiently wait for the death of a dying animal. They mostly circle high in the sky while searching for food. ( Source ) There are mainly two types of vultures according to their location. These are Old World vultures (present in Asia , Africa, and Europe ) and New World vultures (present in the Americas). The Ruppell’s griffon vulture is the highest flying bird on earth . It can fly at an altitude of 37,000 ft. (11,300 m). Bearded vultures and Andean condors are the world’s 6 th and 7 th highest-flying birds. They can achieve an elevation of 24,000 feet and 21,300 feet, respectively. ( Source ) California