
Showing posts from February, 2020

15+ Interesting Facts About Hammerhead Sharks

Hammerhead sharks are named so because of the unusual hammer-shaped structure of their head. Their eyes are placed at the sides of their head. In 2007, scientists found a female hammerhead shark giving birth without mating. It was the first known instance of  asexual reproduction  in any shark. ( Source ) Hammerhead sharks are unique among marine animals as they  get sun  tanning . Sun tanning among marine animals was seen initially in hammerhead sharks. ( Source ) Hammerhead sharks have a strange behavior of  swimming sideways . This type of swimming proves the most energy-efficient for them. They use nearly 10% less energy by swimming sideways instead of upright swimming. ( Source ) Hammerhead sharks initially appeared on  earth  around  20 million years  ago. These sharks live for around 30 years on average. ( Source ) The visual field of each eye of the hammerhead shark is 180 degrees. Their eyes also have excellent depth per...

20+ Interesting Facts About Dung Beetles

Dung beetles are those beetles that feed on the dung (feces) of omnivore and herbivore animals. They prefer dung from omnivores as it provides more nutritional value and is easier to find. A species of dung beetle, male  Onthophagus taurus , can pull 1,141 times its body weight. It makes it the  strongest animal  in the world. ( Source ) Dung beetles can  decompose 90% of nitrogen  from cattle dung back into the soil. It makes the soil fertile without the use of artificial fertilizers. ( Source ) These beetles can markedly  reduce the emission of methane  (major greenhouse gas) from cattle farming. They provide this benefit in both temperate and tropical agricultural grasslands. ( Source ) Dung beetles are present in all  continents  except  Antarctica . They live in many habitats, including  forests , farmlands, grasslands, savannas, and  deserts . These insects usually avoid severely cold and dry climates. Dung beetles are t...

15 Interesting Facts About Transantarctic Mountains

Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) is a mountain range in Antarctica. It separates East Antarctica from West Antarctica. The length of these mountains is 3,500 km (2,220 miles). Scientists   initially discovered  dinosaur  fossils  in Antarctica in 1990-91. The place of discovery of these dinosaur fossils is the central Trans-Antarctic Mountains. ( Source ) The  fossilized remains  of prehistoric freshwater amphibians and reptiles have also been found in TAM. The most extensive  coal-bearing deposits  in Antarctica are located in the Transantarctic Mountains. These coal deposits are of Permian and Triassic age and extend over an area of 2,500 km. ( Source ) The width of TAM is from the Ross Sea in the south to the Weddell Sea in the north. This mountain range is the most prominent dividing point of the  continent  due to its length and elevation. Width of TAM is from Ross Sea to Weddell Sea The Transantarctic Mountains are the longest rif...