40 Interesting Facts About Crocodiles
- There are 23 living species of crocodiles on earth. At least 7 of them are extremely dangerous for humans.
- The range of crocodiles is in the continents of Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. They prefer lowland, humid areas.
- Crocodiles twist their prey violently to tear it apart. This process is known as the “death roll,” which is present in 24 of the 25 living crocodile species. (Source)
- Due to the lack of sex-determined chromosomes, the nest temperature determines the gender of eggs in alligators. Temperature above 34 Celsius in the nest produces all-male offspring. (Source)
- The largest crocodile is the Saltwater Crocodile (20 to 23 feet in length and 1,000 to 1,200 kg in weight). It has a presence from the eastern coast of India to Southeast Asia and Australia.
- The saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile on earth. Nine of the ten largest living reptiles on earth belong to the crocodile family. (Source)
- It is a myth that crocodiles allow small birds to clean their teeth. Crocodiles do not need services from any bird for teeth cleaning as they replace broken teeth or teeth with a cavity.
- Crocodiles do not have sweat glands. They keep themselves cool on hot days by opening their mouth. (Source)
Crocs keep their bodies cool by opening mouth - The Nile crocodile is the second largest and the most dangerous crocodile. It is involved in more than 300 attacks on humans every year, resulting in the deaths of around 200 people.
- The largest living croc ever measured was 20.2 feet long and weighed 1,075 kg. This saltwater crocodile was caught alive in 2012 in the Philippines. (Source)
- Saltwater crocodiles can find their homes from long distances. They can reach their homes even from hundreds of miles away. (Source)
- It is a misconception that crocodiles cannot swallow their food underwater. These reptiles can keep their jaws partially open underwater, which assists them in swallowing their prey. (Source)
- Crocodiles can hold their breath underwater for more than an hour. They do so by using a particular protein present in their blood. (Source)
- In
ancient Egypt, the Nile crocodile was worshiped as a deity (named Sobek). This practice continued for centuries.
- In contrast to the hearts of other mammals and birds, the crocodile heart has an extra valve. The crocodiles use this valve to divert a small amount of blood from the lungs directly toward the stomach. This assists in the digestion of food. (Source)
- The dwarf Crocodile (5 to 6 feet in length and 30 to 80 kg in weight) is the smallest crocodile species. It is present in western Africa.
- Crocodiles have 24 strong teeth in their mouth, but cannot chew their food. They have to swallow their food after tearing it into pieces.
- Crocodiles have not changed much from their ancestors for the last 65 million years. The only differences between the earliest crocodiles and dinosaurs were related to their jaws and legs. (Source)
- Crocodiles can live for more than 100 years. The longest recorded was a freshwater crocodile that remained alive for 140 years. (Source)
- Crocodiles are carnivore animals, but they also enjoy eating fruits occasionally. They also assist in the growth of plants by spreading the seeds of these fruits. (Source)
- Two crocodile species have the strongest bites among all the animals. The bite force of Nile crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles are 5,000 PSI (pounds per square inch) and 3,700 PSI, respectively. (Source)
- An important reason for such a strong bite is the powerful muscles used to close the crocodile’s mouth. However, the muscles that open its mouth are weak. An adult man can easily keep the mouth of a crocodile shut if it is already close.
- Crocodiles quickly replace their lost teeth due to thin tooth enamel. This feature was also present in ancient plant-eating crocodiles. (Source)
- Crocodiles are the most advance and successful freshwater predators. Their success is due to their hard bones, strong jaw muscles, powerful immune systems, fast metabolism, strong stomach acid, complex brain, and strong social structure. They can survive without food for more than a year. (Source)
Crocs are the most successful freshwater predators - Crocodile skin is famous for its durability and softness. It makes crocodile leather bags and purse one of the most expensive shopping items.
- Crocodiles have blurry vision underwater, but it assists in finding prey. The eyes of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles absorb different colors according to the light present in their environments. (Source)
- Crocodiles
and dinosaurs are not only cousins but also appeared on the earth
almost simultaneously (around 240 million years ago). (Source)
- Crocodiles and alligators look similar. They have a common ancestor, but separated nearly 80 million years ago. They are different in appearance (different snouts and toothy grin) and also have different habitats (crocodiles live in saltwater, while alligators are present in freshwater habitats). (Source)
- Mugger (also known as Indian or Sindhu) Crocodiles are intelligent enough to prey upon birds using sticks. During mating seasons (when birds require sticks to make nests), these crocodiles place sticks on their heads and successfully hunt birds when they come to collect these sticks or branches.
- It is a reality that crocodiles shed tears while eating. The possible reason behind this attitude is the hissing and huffing of the animal that produces these tears. (Source)
- Like a few birds, crocodiles also swallow stones frequently. It helps them in digestion and also allows the animal to stay underwater. (Source)
- Only 1% of crocodile kids reach adulthood. The remaining 99% lose their lives to other animals before one year.
- The maximum swimming speed of crocodiles is more than 15 km per hour. Their tail and legs assist them in attaining fast or slow speed while swimming.
- Like their swimming speed, crocodiles can also run extremely fast on land. The fastest running speed of various species is 20 mph or more.
- Birds such as herons and egrets build their nests in alligator territory. These wading birds protect alligators’ eggs from predators and provide food to them by throwing away extra chicks from their nests. (Source)
- Crocodiles kill about 1,000 humans per year. They
are 100 times deadlier to humans than sharks. In contrast to sharks, crocs do not differentiate between humans and other animals. The purpose of their attack is to kill and eat. (Source)
- According to a study, the diet of various crocodile species was different during the dinosaur era. Fossil teeth show there were carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, and insectivore crocodiles millions of years ago. (Source)
- Like few other birds and reptiles, crocodiles can sleep with one eye open. They do so to avoid any danger. (Source)
- Crocodiles inhabit various environments. They live near rivers, lakes, wetlands, and a few saltwater regions.
- Unlike many other female reptiles, crocodiles provide extra care to newborns. Female crocodiles carry their newborn babies into their mouths and release them in water.
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