25 Interesting Facts About Bangladesh

  1. Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. It is the 5th most populous country in Asia and 8th in the world. Bangladesh has the world’s 7th highest population density.
  2. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has been named the world’s 3rd least livable city. It has performed better than only Damascus (Syria) and Lagos (Nigeria). (Source)
  3. Bangladesh is the most polluted country in the world. Its pollution index of 97.1 is far ahead of the 2nd most polluted country (Pakistan with 74.27).
  4. Bangladesh has the world’s highest rate of girls marrying before 15 years of age. The country has the 2nd highest rate for girls marrying before 18 years. (Source)
  5. Bangladesh has the 2nd lowest obesity rate in the world. Only 3.6% of adults in Bangladesh are obese. (Source)
  6. In 2002, Bangladesh became the first country to ban plastic bags. Now, more than 80 countries have a full or partial ban on plastic bags. (Source)
  7. Cox’s Bazar Beach in Bangladesh is the longest natural sea beach in the world. The length of this sandy sea beach is 125 km. (Source)
  8. The Sundarbans Reserve Forest (SRF) in southwest Bangladesh (and the adjacent part of India) is the world’s largest contiguous mangrove forest. It covers an area of 10,000 km2. 60% of this mangrove forest is inside Bangladesh. It contains several endangered animals, including the Royal Bengal tiger, northern river terrapin (a species of turtle), and estuarine crocodiles, along with the Ganges and Irawadi dolphins. It is also the only mangrove habitat for the Bengal tiger. (Source)
  9. Bangladesh also shares the world’s largest delta with India. The Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (also known as Bengal Delta) covers an area of 75,000 km2. It is also called Green Delta due to its fertility. Around 67% of this delta is present in Bangladesh (the remaining is in the Indian state of West Bengal). (Source
    Ganges delta
    Bangladesh shares the world's largest delta with India

  10. Bangladesh is one of few countries bordering the Bay of Bengal, the world’s largest bay.
  11. Bangladesh has the highest percentage of arable land in the world. Currently, this Asian country has 59% arable land, which was more than 67% in 1965. (Source)
  12. Bangladesh has a history of the most deadly tropical cyclones. The 1970 Great Bhola Cyclone was the deadliest in the world, with around 500,000 casualties. Bangladesh has faced 6 out of 10 deadliest tropical cyclones in world history. (Source)
  13. Chobi Mela, an international photography festival in Bangladesh, is the largest photography event in Asia. (Source)
  14. Sheikh Hasina is one of the world’s longest-serving female leaders in office. She has acted as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for more than 15 years.
  15. United Nations celebrates International Mother Language Day on February 21 annually. This date is for the remembrance of 4 students killed in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) on February 21, 1952, during a protest in favor of their mother language (Bengali). (Source)
  16. Humans have been living in Bangladesh for the past 20,000 years. It remained under the control of various Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim dynasties from the 4th Century until the British rule. 
  17. Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country with a 90% Muslim population. Arab traders, Turkish Muslim conquests, and teachings from saints played a significant role in the gradual Islamization of the eastern Bengal area (now Bangladesh).
  18. Dhaka is commonly known as the city of mosques due to the presence of a large number of mosques.
  19. Bangladesh has the 4th largest Muslim population in the world. It is also the 3rd most populous Muslim-majority country. (Source)
  20. The current state of Bangladesh was established after its separation from Pakistan on 16th December 1971. It happened after an armed conflict known as Bangladesh Liberation War. India sided with Bengali nationalists in this war and played a vital role in defeating Pakistan. 
  21. There are 3 UNESCO Heritage sites in Bangladesh. 2 of these are cultural sites, while the 3rd one is a natural site (The Sundarbans). (Source)
  22. Bangladesh is the world’s biggest exporter of textile fibers, jute yarn, and textile scraps. The country is also the world’s biggest importer of pure woven cotton, heavy mixed woven cotton, and non-retail staple fiber yarn. (Source)
  23. Varying temperatures and humidity make Bangladesh a country with six different seasonsTherefore, it is also known as the “Land of six seasons."
  24. Despite having mountainous areas and forests, no part of Bangladesh has ever recorded temperatures below 0oC. The lowest temperature ever recorded was 1.1 Celsius on 3rd February 1905.
  25. There are around 700 big and small rivers in Bangladesh. But the origin of all major rivers is in other countries like India, China, and Nepal. For that reason, Bangladesh lacks complete control over the flow of these rivers.


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