35+ Interesting Facts About Pigs

  1. Pigs, also known as swine or hog, are domesticated mammals raised for their meat (pork), fat (lard), leather, and other purposes.
  2. Pigs are closely related to wild boars. Their domestication started around 8500 BC in the Near East. The development of European pigs was the result of the integration of domestic pigs and the European wild boars by 4500 BC. (Source)
  3. Pigs are naturally inclined to eat feces and garbage. It was a significant reason for the domestication of pigs. (Source)
  4. Replacing human jawbones and their connecting joints is difficult due to their shape and other requirements. However, an experiment proves that pig fat can replace human fat in this process. (Source)
  5. The Big bill of the Poland-China breed was the largest pig ever. It was 5 ft. tall and weighs 1,157 kg. Pygmy hog is the smallest breed where males can attain up to 10 kg of weight and just over 2 ft. in height.
  6. Both domestic and wild pigs have thick skin with adipose tissue, which protects against snake venom. They can use this advantage to kill and eat snakes. However, pigs are not immune to snake venom. (Source)
  7. Pigs have a limited number of sweat glands and can produce a small amount of sweat. In hot climates, pigs keep their bodies cool by rolling and lying in mud or water.  
  8. Female pigs (sows) build nests before giving birth. Preventing this natural behavior can increase stress levels and decrease important hormones in sows. (Source)  
  9. Pigs are dangerous to humans. They can kill and eat their owners and other humans whenever possible. They can consume almost the entire human body. (Source)
    A pig in boar stud
    Pigs can kill and eat their owners and other humans

  10. Pigs are the noisiest among domesticated animals. Their sound intensity can reach up to 110 dB, while their mean integrated range is 46 to 87 dB. (Source)
  11. Piglets have eight sharp teeth at birth. Clipping these teeth is necessary to protect the sow and prevent piglets from causing harm to each other.
  12. The oldest pig in captivity was a female pig that died at the age of 23 years and 121 days. This pig was named Baby Jane. (Source)
  13. The largest litter for a pig was 37 piglets born in 1993 in the UK. 36 of them were born alive and 33 survived. (Source)
  14. China has the highest number of pigs worldwide, with nearly 450 million heads. The 2nd and 3rd highest numbers are in the EU and the USA. (Source)
  15. Pigs are omnivores. In their natural habitats, they eat grasses, roots, leaves, insects, dead animals, dirt, etc.
  16. Pig hairs (bristles) are stiff but soft. Due to these properties, they are used in various kinds of brushes for domestic and industrial purposes. Pig-hair toothbrushes were also customary before the invention of nylon toothbrushes in 1935.
  17. Pigskin is relatively softer, tough, durable, and has other properties. This leather is handy in preparing work gloves, shoes, handbags, etc.
  18. Like many other mammals, pigs have dichromatic vision. They can differentiate between colors, but their color perception is less saturated than the trichromatic vision in humans.
  19. Like other animals, pigs also face cruel treatment on most factory farms. They suffer castration and cutting off the tail without anesthesia. Pigs usually live in cramped places where they can only sit and stand.
  20. Pigs and humans have several physiological and genetic similarities. These mammals were initially used in biomedical research in ancient Greece, and this research has increased in the last few decades. They are applied in neonatal development, cancer therapy, and other fields. (Source)
  21. Ancient Romans and other militaries used pigs as a war instrument against elephants. These pigs were set on fire in front of elephants. Their burning and loud squeals caused panic among elephants who would flee after crushing their soldiers. (Source)
  22. Pigskin is comparable to human skin due to their similarities in thickness, pigmentation, hairs, collagen, etc. Therefore, pigskin works as a model for treating various human skin problems.
  23. Several organs from genetically engineered pigs can be transplanted into humans due to their appropriate size. Donated kidneys from these pigs worked well in a brain-dead human body, while a pig’s heart kept a person alive for two months. (Source)
  24. Studies have proved that pigs have excellent long-term memory. They can learn and take advantage of their experience for longer. (Source)
  25. A study proves that the mood and personality of pigs determine their decisions and actions. Pigs with a strong personality and good mood are proactive. Pigs with the opposite mood and personality have passive behaviors. (Source)
  26. The consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam and Judaism. These religions declare the animal unclean.
  27. According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), pork is the most widely consumed meat in the world. Around 36% of meat eaten worldwide is pork. (Source)
    Roasted pork
    Pork is a widely consumed but dangerous meat

  28. Pork is one of the most dangerous meats in the world. It can cause deadly diseases, like Hepatitis E (a virus), Yersinia (a bacterium), multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune condition), and liver cancer. Thorough cooking can decrease risks related to infectious diseases. (Source)
  29. There is a Pig Beach in the Bahamas where pigs swim alongside humans. These feral pigs arrived here from another place due to ship wreckage or a similar instance.
  30. Mother pigs sing to their piglets while nursing. This sound is less displeasing than their typical voice. (Source)
  31. There are instances of pigs saving the lives of their owners. They have saved the lives of owners from fire. A pig named Lulu brought help to protect the owner after a heart attack.
  32. Pigs have a 310-degree panoramic view. On the other hand, their binocular vision angle is 35-50 degrees.
  33. Mangalitsa or Mangalica pig is a Hungarian breed that has sheep-like curly hairs. It was the result of crossbreeding between different pig breeds during the 1830s. (Source)
  34. Truffles are difficult to find fungi due to their underground location. Pigs, especially females, can locate truffles with their excellent sense of smell. Their interest in truffles is because they contain a sex hormone present in the saliva of male pigs.
  35. The USA and the UK fought a bloodless war in 1859, known as the Pig War. The war started when an American farmer killed a pig of an Irishman on a disputed island.
  36. The skulls of domesticated pigs and wild boars are very different. The reason is the controlled diet of domestic pigs under human influence. (Source)


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