30 Interesting Facts About Slovakia

  1. Slovakia is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It shares borders with Ukraine and four Central European countries.
  2. Slovakia has the highest production of cars per capita in the world. It produced 185 cars per 1,000 people in 2020, far more than Czech Republic, the second country on this list. (Source)
  3. Slovakia has the second highest share of nuclear power production for electricity generation. It fulfills 59.2% of its electricity requirement through nuclear power, which is only less than France (62.6%). (Source)
  4. More than 90% of Slovakian citizens have their own homes. It is one of the world’s highest rates of home ownership. (Source)
  5. Slovakia has the largest average household size in the EU, with 2.9 members. It retained this household size from 2009 to 2022. This Central European country also has the highest percentage (33.9%) of households with children and the lowest proportion of single parents. It is the only EU member state experiencing an increase in the percentage of households with children between 2009 and 2022. (Source)
  6. Slavic people started to settle in this area during the 5th Century AD. The name of the country means “Land of the Slavs.”
  7. Slovakia is famous for its mountainous territory belonging to the Western Carpathian Mountains. Forests cover nearly 40% of the country, particularly in mountainous areas. Oak, beech, and spruce are the main forest types in this European state. 
    The highest peak and the adjacent forest in Slovakia
    Mountains and forests are the main geographical features of Slovakia

  8. Due to the absence of a coastline, the main attractions in Slovakia for tourists are its mountains and numerous castles.
  9. During the 9th Century, Slovakia became part of Greater Moravia. It was the first West Slavic state in Central Europe.
  10. Slovakia became part of the Hungarian Empire after the collapse of the Greater Moravia during the 11th Century.
  11. The population of Slovakia diversified during the 13th and 14th centuries due to the arrival of Germans and Jews.
  12. Countess Elizabeth Bathory was an infamous Hungarian serial killer. There are reports that she killed around 600 young women in her castles. After finding her crimes, the authorities imprisoned her at Cachtice Castle in Slovakia, where she died in 1614.
  13. Slovakia became a contested area between Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Ottomans during the 17th Century. It resulted in the construction of numerous castles and citadels during this period.
  14. Bratislava (the capital of Slovakia) became the Hungarian capital in 1536 due to Ottoman conquests in Hungary. The city retained this status until 1848.
  15. There are 8 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Slovakia. These include six cultural and two natural sites.
  16. After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire following WW1, it became part of Czechoslovakia. It was the most democratic state in Central Europe.
  17. The First Slovak Republic was established in 1939 during WW2 as a satellite state of Germany. However, the German defeat resulted in the reestablishment of Czechoslovakia in 1945.
  18. Czechoslovakia adopted Communism and became a Soviet satellite state in 1948. This system ended in 1989 when the non-violent Velvet Revolution converted the country to a parliamentary republic.
  19. Slovakia became an independent state on January 1, 1993, after the dissolution of Czechoslovakia on December 31, 1992.
  20. Nearly 75% of Slovaks follow Christianity, primarily Roman Catholicism. Around 15% are non-religious.
  21. Slovakia has the strictest laws against Islam in Europe. It is the only EU member state that forbids the construction of mosques. (Source)
  22. Stara Bystrica Astronomical Clock is famous for being the newest (built in 2009) and most accurate astronomical clock due to its satellite-controlled software. (Source
    An astronomical clock
    The most accurate astronomical clock is in Slovakia

  23. Slovakia’s capital Bratislava is the only national capital that borders two independent countries, Austria and Hungary. (Source)
  24. Slovak is the official and majority language in the country. Many people also speak Czech, a closely related language.
  25. More than 80% of Slovakia’s population has Slovak ethnicity. Hungarians, the largest minority, constitute nearly 10% of the population.
  26. An altar in Slovakia’s St. Jacob’s Basilica is the world’s tallest (18.62 meters high) late-gothic altar. It became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2009 and celebrated its 500th anniversary in 2017. (Source)
  27. There is a false story on the internet that staff of the Slovakian and Slovenian embassies in Washington DC meets once a month to exchange wrongly addressed mail. However, both countries faced these and similar issues in a few European countries during the 1990s due to their similar names and flags. (Source)
  28. The similarities between Slovakia and Slovenia have confused many people since their independence in the 1990s. George W Bush (former U.S. President) and Silvio Berlusconi (former Italian PM) talked about Slovakia while referring to Slovenian ministers. On occasions, flags or anthems of the wrong country appeared during events. (Source)
  29. The Kosice Marathon in Slovakia is the oldest in Europe. The first race was held in 1924 and now attracts thousands of international participants annually. (Source)
  30. Cicmany, a small Slovakian village, is known as the world’s first folk architecture reserve. It has gained popularity for preserving its folk costumes, music, and dances. (Source)


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