15 Interesting Facts About Grasshoppers

  1. Grasshoppers are jumping insects that initially appeared on earth around 300 million years ago. Their closest relatives are ground-hoppers and pygmy mole crickets.
  2. Grasshoppers have powerful hind legs that assist them in covering a distance of 30 inches in a single jump. (Source)
  3. Grasshoppers have three simple and two compound eyes. Compound eyes are used to know the movement of an object. On the other hand, the 3 simple eyes in between the compound eyes can differentiate between light and dark. (Source)
  4. There are several differences between grasshoppers and crickets despite their similar appearance. Grasshoppers are larger than crickets. Both insects have different colors. Grasshoppers can fly and jump, while crickets can only jump. Grasshoppers are diurnal, while crickets are nocturnal. Grasshoppers make sounds by rubbing their hind legs with wings, and their auditory organs are on their abdomens. Crickets make sounds by rubbing their wings while their auditory organs are on their forelegs. Only male crickets chirp while both male and female grasshoppers chirp. (Source)
  5. The length of grasshoppers is from 1 to 7 cm according to species. Females are larger than male grasshoppers.
  6. There are more than 10,000 known species of grasshoppers. These are divided into various types according to their shape and characteristics. Commonly known grasshoppers are Brown-spotted grasshoppers, Clear-winged grasshoppers, Big-headed grasshoppers, Four-spotted grasshoppers, and Green-striped grasshoppers. (Source)
  7. Grasshoppers generally eat grasses along with stems and flowers of plants. But their favorite food is green leaves. These insects rarely eat moss, fungi, rotting meat, animal dung, and other weak insects. (Source)
  8. Grasshoppers have several predators. These include birds (turkeys, chickens, hawks, blue jays, etc.), mammals (raccoons, opossums, foxes, bats, etc.), insects (dragonflies, beetles, ants, hornets, spiders, etc.), turtles, snakes, and fungi. Grasshoppers use several defensive techniques to protect themselves from predators. These include jumping, flying, toxicity (in a few species), and spitting digested plant matter.
  9. A parasitic worm can control the grasshopper’s brain and forces it to plunge into the water. These parasites can do so through chemicals that affects the grasshopper’s central nervous system. (Source)
  10. A study has proved that Cyborg grasshoppers can detect explosives (TNT & DNT). These grasshoppers can replace sniffer dogs in the future. (Source)
    A grasshopper
    Grasshoppers can detect dangerous explosives

  11. Grasshoppers are the second-most edible insects in the world after ants. They are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, and other nutrients. But not all grasshoppers are edible. Only plainly colored grasshoppers are safe to eat. Brightly colored grasshoppers have toxic alkaloids in their blood and can be fatal.
  12. Grasshoppers use their body coloration for camouflage. A study has proved that these insects are well aware of their coloration and choose appropriate places similar to their body color for protection against predators. (Source)
  13. Common grasshoppers are solitary. But few species of short-horned grasshoppers form swarms and are known as locusts. (Source)
  14. A fungus in wet soil destroys eggs of grasshoppers. Due to this reason, the population of grasshoppers and locusts explodes in extremely dry weather and droughts. During these conditions, swarms of these insects can develop that cause destruction to crops and famine. (Source
  15. In the absence or scarcity of food, the grasshoppers adopt cannibalism and eat other grasshoppers. (Source)


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