10+ Interesting Facts About Giant Armadillos

  1. Giant armadillos are the largest of 20 living species of armadillos. They can grow to a length of 1.2 meters (47 in) and weigh around 26 kg.
  2. Giant armadillos are present only in South America. Their natural habitat includes tropical and subtropical forests, savanna, and other areas with a large termite population.
  3. Giant armadillos’ primary food is termites, and they would eat an entire termite mound. They also eat ants, worms, and spiders.
  4. Giant armadillos have the highest number of teeth among land mammals. They have up to 100 teeth in their mouth. (Source)
  5. Most animals cannot hunt giant armadillos due to their size, long claws, and protective armor. Mountain lions (pumas) and jaguars are the only natural predators of these mammals. 
    A mountain lion
    Mountain lion is one of the two natural predators of giant armadillo

  6. The claws of giant armadillos are 8 in. (20 cm) long. These are one of the longest claws in the animal kingdom. The claw-to-body ratio in these armadillos is 22%, which is also more than any living animal. (Source)
  7. Giant armadillos use their long and strong claws to dig burrows that can be 16 ft (5 meters) deep. Giant armadillos not only take shelter in these holes but also act as “ecosystem engineers” by assisting other animals in the ecosystem. Several mammals, birds, and reptiles use these burrows for shelter and other purposes. (Source)
  8. Giant armadillos are one of the sleepiest animals on earth. Their average sleep time is 18 hours per day.
  9. Giant armadillos are solitary and nocturnal. They spend the day in self-made burrows and find food at night.
  10. The biggest threats for giant armadillos are habitat loss and hunting for food. Around 50% of the giant armadillo’s population has reduced in a decade as a result of these activities.
  11. A female armadillo gives birth to a single offspring after an average gestation period of four months. The baby giant armadillo possesses tough skin, while males and females attain sexual maturity before 12 months.
  12. These armadillos can stand high by balancing on their hind legs and tail. They usually do so while reaching a tall termite mound.
  13. The lifespan of giant armadillos in the wild is from 12 to 15 years. But their average lifespan in captivity is just 4 years.


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