25+ Interesting Facts About Bhutan

  1. Bhutan is a landlocked country in South Asia. This small country is surrounded by China and India.
  2. Bhutan is the first, and so far the only, carbon-negative country in the world. Bhutan only generates 1.1 million tones of CO2, while its forests can absorb a lot more CO2. (Source)
  3. Bhutan is also the first country to ban tobacco products. The ban on smoking and selling of all types of tobacco products was imposed in this Asian country in December 2004. (Source)
  4. Bhutan is one of the seven countries in the world and the only country in Asia without any world heritage site. (Source)
  5. Paro airport in Bhutan is known as one of the most dangerous in the world. Only a few pilots are certified to land and take off from this airport. It is located in a winding valley between high peaks. The airport has a small runway that is only visible moments before landing. Due to the absence of radar, flights are only allowed during daylight under clear visibility. (Source)
  6. Bhutan is the highest country in the world. Its average elevation is 3,280m while its highest point is the summit of Gangkhar Puensum. (Source)
  7. Gangkhar Puensum is the highest mountain in Bhutan, with an elevation of 7,570 m. It is also the highest unclimbed mountain in the world. Religious significance and territorial disputes between Bhutan and China are hindrances to climbing this mountain. (Source)
  8. Bhutan has the world’s highest percentage of the workforce in agriculture. Around 93% of the population in Bhutan earns their livelihood as farmers.
  9. Three countries (Bangladesh, India, and Kuwait) have embassies in Bhutan. On the other hand, Bhutan has its embassies in just five countries (Bangladesh, India, Belgium, Thailand, and Kuwait). Bhutan establishes diplomatic relations with several other countries through mutual consulates. (Source)
    Norwegian embassy in USA
    Only 3 countries have embassies in Bhutan
  10. Bhutan has no diplomatic relations with any of the five permanent members of the United Nations. (Source)
  11. Most countries recognize either China or Taiwan. But Bhutan has no diplomatic relations with any of these rival countries.
  12. Bhutan was the first country to recognize Bangladesh after its separation from Pakistan. Bhutan recognized Bangladesh on 6th December 1971, just hours before its acknowledgment by India. (Source)
  13. During the 1990s, Nepal expelled more than 100,000 Nepali-speaking Bhutanese from southern parts of the country. The reason behind this expulsion was the forced national dress code and the banning of the Nepali language in schools. (Source)
  14. Bhutan allowed foreign tourists for the first time in the 1970s. Earlier, the country was completely cut-off from the world.
  15. Bhutan remained cut off from media for a long time to preserve its monarchy and culture from outside influence. Radio broadcasting started here in 1973, while TV and the internet were allowed in 1999. (Source)
  16. Vajrayana Buddhism is the official religion of Bhutan, followed by 75% of Bhutanese. Hinduism is the second-largest religion, with 22% of followers. 
  17. The black-necked crane, the only alpine crane in the world, is a sacred bird in Bhutan. The country initiated underground power grid on cranes’ migration route to ensure their safety. (Source)
  18. The local name of Bhutan is different. The Bhutanese call their country “Druk Yul”, which means “the land of the thunder dragon.”
  19. Architects in Bhutan must construct all buildings by following traditional architectural style. It includes small windows, colorful wooden doors, and inclining roofs. In contrast to other countries, iron bars and nails are not used during the construction of these buildings. (Source)
  20. The government of Bhutan has adopted the "high value, low volume" tourism policy. A tourist has to spend $250 (during peak months) or $200 (in other months) per day. It enables him/her to get meals, guide service, land transport, and (three-star) accommodation. This policy allows them to avail sustainable revenue while avoiding the unnecessary crowd.
  21. Bhutan aims to be the world’s first country with 100% organic food. For this purpose, the government is considering banning all pesticides and herbicides and promoting natural fertilizers. (Source)
  22. Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan, is the only capital city in the world without traffic lights. Police officers direct traffic in this city. 
  23. Bhutan is one of the youngest democracies in the world. The citizens of Bhutan voted for the first time for a parliament in 2008. (Source)
  24. Bhutan has the highest percentage of the urban population in South Asia. About 43% of Bhutanese live in cities. (Source)
  25. Takin is the national animal in Bhutan. They believe a Tibetan saint, locally known as “Divine Madman”, created this mammal.
  26. In contrast to many other countries, women hold nearly half of the land in Bhutan. This rate is around 60% in rural areas.
  27. Yeti (snowman) is a fictional figure. However, Bhutanese believe in the existence of the yeti and its smaller cousin, the Michum. They are present on postage stamps, while there is a rumored corpse of this character in Bhutan. One of the toughest hikes in the world, the Snowman Trek, is also named after this imaginary figure.


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