45+ Interesting Facts About Argentina
- Argentina, a country in the southern portion of South America, is the 2nd largest and the 3rd most populous country in the continent.
- Argentina is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Nearly all Argentineans speak their official language.
- Rio de la Plata (River Plate) in Argentina is the world’s widest river. It has a maximum width of 221 km. (Source)
- The highest mountain in Argentina is Aconcagua. This mountain, with an elevation of 6961 m (22,837 ft.), is also the highest mountain in the southern and western hemispheres.
- Ushuaia in Argentina is the southernmost city in the world. It is also known as “End of the World,” thanks to its location. (Source)
- Argentina was the world’s first country to establish a quota for women in its national legislative body in the 1990s. With 50% female representation in National Congress, Argentina is one of the twelve countries in the world with more than 40% of women in legislatures. (Source)
- Due to large-scale immigration during the 19th and 20th Centuries, almost half of the population of Argentina has Italian ancestry. It has also impacted the language and cuisine of this South American country.
- Argentina has the highest per capita consumption of meat in South America and the 3rd highest consumption in the world after the USA and Australia. (Source)
Argentina has a large number of cattle and high beef consumption - Argentina is one of five countries with more cattle than humans. There are 1.21 cattle per person in this South American country. (Source)
- Argentinean cartoonist Quirino Cristiani made and released the world's first animated feature film, “El Apostol,” in 1917 in Buenos Aires. Later in 1931, he also produced the first animated feature film with sound, “Peludopolis.” (Source)
- Argentinians spend the most time listening to the radio in the whole world. Their average radio listening time is around 21 hours per week.
- Argentina has won the most (2) academy awards in Latin America. It has the 2nd highest number (7) of nominated films in Latin America for the Academy Awards. (Source)
- Argentina is the discovery place for the world’s earliest land plants (liverworts). These plant fossils are nearly 472 million years old. (Source)
- Argentina has a territorial dispute with the UK over Falkland Island and SGSSI (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). These islands, in South Atlantic Ocean, are under the control of the UK as British overseas territories, but Argentina also claims sovereignty of these areas.
- This conflict with Britain resulted in Falkland War (1982). This 70+ day-long war resulted in the surrender of Argentina.
- 99% population of Argentina is composed of white and mestizo ethnicity (85% white and 14% mestizos). It is different from most other South American countries where there is ethnic diversity.
- Laguna del Carbon is a salt lake. It is the lowest point not only in Argentina but also in the southern and western hemispheres. It is also the 7th lowest point on earth.
- 9 de Julio Avenue (July 9 Avenue) in Buenos Aires (Argentinean capital) is the widest in the world. It has seven lanes in each direction. (Source)
- Argentina also claims part of Antarctica as its national territory. It includes Antarctic Peninsula and its surrounding sea.
- Argentina has taken several measures to justify its claim over Antarctica. These include a presence in Antarctica alone for 40 years (1904 to 1944), construction of the first airport in Antarctica, the highest number of nationals in Antarctica than any other country, etc.
- However, they took the strangest measure of claiming sovereignty over part of Antarctica in 1977. Argentina sent a pregnant woman to this icy continent, which resulted in the first-ever birth of a human here on 7th January 1978. (Source)
- Argentina became an independent country in 1816 after its independence from Spain. It happened after the success of Argentine War of Independence, started in 1810.
- Football is the most famous sport in Argentina, but its national sport is Pato (a combination of polo and basketball). Argentina is the only country with Pato as its national game.
- Argentineans are most proficient in the game of polo. The standard of polo in
Argentina is the best in the world, and it produces the world’s best polo players.
Interest in horse riding and vast grassland areas are the top reasons for this high standard of polo in this Latin American country. (Source)
Argentina has the world's highest polo standard - Argentine holds the record for the hottest and coldest temperatures in South America. The highest temperature recorded in South America was 48.9 Celsius (120 F) on 11th December 1905 in Rivadavia, northern Argentina. On the other hand, the coldest temperature of -38.2 Celsius was recorded in Sarmiento on 1st June 1907. (Source)
- 10% of flora varieties in the world are present in Argentina. These include grasses, flowers, and trees. (Source)
- Argentina is also the discovery place of the “first giant” dinosaur. The weight of some of these giant animals was equal to that of a space shuttle. (Source)
- Argentina was the only South American country to send troops in the 1991 Gulf War and the UN peace mission during the Yugoslav War.
- AMIA (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) bombing in 1994 was the largest terrorist attack in South America. This terror act resulted in the demise of 87 people, along with injuries to more than 100. (Source)
- Argentina has the highest Jewish population in Latin America and the 7th highest in the world. Jews make up around 2% of the total population in this country. (Source)
- Many Argentinean cowboys were of Jewish origin. They arrived here in the late 19th Century from Russia to flee anti-Semitic violence in Eastern Europe. (Source)
- Argentina has 3 Nobel prize recipients. Carlos Saavedra Lamas became the first Latin American to win a Nobel Prize and the first Hispanic to win a Nobel Peace Prize in 1936. Luis F. Leloir was the first Hispanic to win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1970.
- The idea of “Friend’s Day” was presented by an Argentinean professor on 20th July 1969. It got official status in 1972. Argentina and a few neighboring countries celebrate Friend’s Day on July 20, while there are various dates for Friendship Day in other countries.
- The birthplace of famous communist leader, Che Guevara, was Rosario, Argentina. He was born on 14th June 1928.
- Tango is one of the most popular dances in the world. The origin of this dance is from the streets of Buenos Aires during the 18th Century.
- Buenos Aires is the most popular destination in South America and the 5th most visited city in Latin America.
- Argentina is the biggest wine producer in South America and the 6th largest producer in the world.
- Argentina has the highest number of psychologists per capita in the world. There are nearly 198 psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants in the country. Around 46% of these are in Buenos Aires. (Source)
- Argentina has the 2nd highest number of plastic surgeries per capita in the world. It is just behind Brazil in this procedure. (Source)
- In 1891, an Argentine police officer began the first fingerprint files. In 1892, Argentina became the first country to
use fingerprints for the identification of crime. (Source)
Argentina was the first country to use fingerprints for crime identification - Argentina is the 7th largest exporter of wheat in the world and the top exporter in South America. There is no other South American country in the list of top 15 wheat exporters. (Source)
- Argentina faced a severe economic crisis in 2001. It resulted in experiencing five presidents for the country in December 2001. (Source)
- In 2010, Argentina became the first country in South America to legalize same-sex marriages. It also allowed transgender to change their gender without psychiatric counseling in 2012. (Source)
- Around 30,000 people disappeared (and were most likely assassinated) by the military regime of Argentina during the "Dirty War" between 1976 and 1983. (Source)
- Argentineans usually eat a dish known as Gnocchi on the 29th of every month. There is a superstition that following this routine brings financial luck.
- Tipas and El Condor in Argentina are the 3rd and 6th highest volcanoes. Argentina and Chile share the world’s top two and 4th highest volcanoes. (Source)
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