35+ Interesting Facts About Dinosaurs

  1. Dinosaurs are extinct reptiles of the Mesozoic (mainly Jurassic period) era (which emerged around 250 million years ago). These animals vanished from the earth around 66 million years ago due to unknown reasons.
  2. More than 500 dinosaur species have been discovered so far. According to  estimates, the total number of extinct species of dinosaurs could be 1,300 or more. (Source)
  3. The extinction event of dinosaurs is known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. It also wiped out 75% of all the animals and plants present on earth at that time.
  4. According to a theory, this extinction event likely happened because of an asteroid hitting the earth. Other possible reasons include volcanic eruptions, climate change, etc.
  5. There were both meat-eating and plant-eating (and probably omnivore) dinosaurs. According to estimates, around 65% of dinosaurs were herbivores, while the remaining species were carnivores.  
  6. Many plant-eating dinosaurs were gigantic and had to eat a large amount of food daily. Few even consider this (their large bodies compared to stomachs and massive food consumption) as a possible reason for the extinction of these animals
  7. However, the brains enclosed in these big bodies were very tiny. A newborn human baby has a larger brain than most adult dinosaurs. It is also considered a possible factor behind the extinction of dinosaurs. The EQ level of these gigantic reptiles was just 0.11 or even below. Meat-eating dinosaurs were smarter than plant-eating dinosaurs. (Source)
  8. Troodon, a bird-like dinosaur, was considered the smartest among these reptiles due to its relatively large brain size. Its brain was the size of today’s mammal or bird. It was as intelligent as a chicken. 
  9. The word dinosaur is the combination of two Greek words: deinos (terrible) and sauros (reptile or lizard).
  10. The sauropods are considered the largest and heaviest dinosaurs. These are also one of the largest land animals ever lived on earth.
  11. Not all dinosaurs were heavy and large. The smallest known non-avialan dinosaur was the size of a pigeon.
  12. Modern-day birds are known as the descendants and closest relatives of dinosaurs. Studies have proved that the largest carnivore dinosaur (T-rex) is more closely related to birds (chicken and ostrich) than to modern reptiles (crocodiles or alligators). (Source)
  13. There are also different views about the lifespan of different types of dinosaurs. According to estimates, the average age of carnivore (meat-eating) dinosaurs was around 20 to 30 years. Comparatively, the plant-eating (herbivores) lived relatively long, with a lifespan of 70 to 80 years. (Source)
  14. Dinosaurs are commonly presented as horrible giants with large protruding tongues in images and videos. But the latest study shows the tongue of T.rex and other dinosaurs was fastened to the bottom of their mouth. (Source)
  15. Dinosaurs could sit on their eggs without crushing them despite their heavy size. It was made possible due to the unique shape of their nests. (Source)
  16. According to previous estimates, the initial ‘giant dinosaurs’ emerged at the start of the early Jurassic period. But the latest findings prove that they were present 47 million years earlier. (Source)
  17. Study shows that dinosaurs were neither purely cold-blooded nor warm-blooded. They were in between these two body temperature-regulating mechanisms. Today, there are just a few animals that possess this feature. (Source)
  18. Dinosaurs were terrestrial reptiles, but few species were able to spend a lot of time in or around water bodies. Several dinosaur skeletons have been discovered inside seas, rivers, and lakes. Their body structure shows that they could swim but were not aquatic animals, like crocodiles and hippos. (Source)
    Depiction of aquatic dinosaurs
    Few dinosaurs were aquatic that spend a lot of time in water

  19. Several currently living animals also lived alongside dinosaurs. These include both terrestrial and aquatic animals. A few well-known animals that survived the extinction event are monotremes, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, frogs, salamanders, bees, mollusks, sea stars, sea cucumbers, urchins, and others. (Source)
  20. Dinosaurs were not the initial enormous reptiles on earth. There were dominant reptiles who ruled the planet even before dinosaurs. These reptiles initially appeared on earth around 300 million years ago. (Source)
  21. T.rex had the longest teeth among dinosaurs. This reptile had 50 to 60 teeth, and the length of each tooth was 12 inches.
  22. According to the latest discoveries, Spinosaurus (spine lizard) was the largest carnivore dinosaur on earth. Their estimated length and weight were from 4 to 59 feet (12.6 to 18m) and 7 to 23 tons (6,350 to 20,870 kg), respectively. A unique feature of this dinosaur was the long spines on its back. They were also the first known swimming dinosaurs on earth. It was initially discovered in 1912. (Source)
  23. T.rex had an extremely strong bite, enough to crush a car. It was due to its large and powerful jaw muscles. In contrast to its living relatives, like snakes and parrots, the T.rex had a stiff and rigid skull that helped deliver the powerful bite. (Source)
  24. Dinosaur fossils have been discovered in more than 1,000 sites. These sites are present on all continents, including Antarctica. (Source)
  25. There were two large holes in the skulls of a few dinosaur species, like tyrannosaurs and pterosaurs. These holes are also in a few birds and reptiles and perform thermoregulation. (Source)
  26. Scientists have discovered a small dinosaur having a tail with a series of blades on both sides. This type of tail is not present in any other animal and can be used to cut the enemy. (Source)
  27. The growth rate of dinosaurs was speedy. Giant dinosaurs were able to grow up to 14 kg per day. The growth rate of even smaller dinosaurs was twice as fast as today’s reptiles.
  28. The first dinosaur described scientifically was Megalosaurus. It was discovered in 1819 and named in 1824. According to experts, the Chinese discovery of “dragon” bones around 2000 years ago belongs to the fossils of dinosaurs. (Source)
  29. Initially, all dinosaurs were bipeds (walking on two legs). Later, many herbivore species became quadrupedal (walk on four legs). (Source)
  30. The largest-known footprint of a dinosaur is 1.7 meters long. This footprint of a sauropod was discovered in Australia in 2017. (Source)
  31. According to estimates, Supersaurus could be the longest dinosaur ever. This dinosaur was at least 128 feet long. These accurate measurements are the result of the discovery of its entire skeleton. (Source)
  32. Research finds that meat-eating dinosaurs were extremely fast. They could reach the top speed of up to 28 mph (45 km/h), faster than any human being. (Source)
  33. Dinosaurs and birds share several similarities. These include identical joints, hollow bones, wishbones, efficient lungs, claws, similar sleeping positions, and brooding behavior.
  34. Herbivore dinosaurs were social animals that lived in herds. The latest finding has proved that this social behavior was present in these dinosaurs more than 193 million years ago. (Source)
  35. Pachycephalosaurus (thick-headed lizard) had the thickest skull among dinosaurs. This skull was at least 20 times thicker than the skull of any other dinosaur.
  36. Hadrosaurs, also known as duck-billed dinosaurs, had up to 960 teeth. On the other hand, a few dinosaurs (e.g. Gallimimus and ornithomimus) were toothless. Like sharks, dinosaurs were able to replace their lost teeth. (Source)
  37. The large-scale discovery of dinosaur fossils during the 1870s to 1890s in the USA was due to extreme and bitter rivalry between two American paleontologists, Edward Cope and Othniel Marsh. They use unethical acts (like bribery and theft) during this competition, known as the “Bone Wars.” (Source)


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