30 Interesting Facts About Algeria

  1. With an area of 2,381,741 square km, Algeria is the largest country in Africa and the 10th largest in the world.
  2. Algeria is also the 9th most populous country in Africa, having a population of around 42 million.
  3. St. Augustine of Hippo played the most significant role in bringing the dominant position of Christianity to the Roman Empire. He is also known as the father of orthodox theology. The birthplace of this philosopher and theologian was Algeria.
  4. Algeria has the highest number of immigrants in France. 16% of the total immigrants in France are of Algerian descent. Prominent Algerians in France are Zinedine Zidane (footballer), Rachid Arhab (journalist), and Azouz Begag (writer). (Source)
  5. Algeria was conquered by the Umayyad Caliphate in the 8th Century. This event initiated the Islamization of the area, which became a Muslim-majority in the 10th Century.
  6. Algeria came under the rule of various local Berber dynasties after the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate. 
  7. Algeria became part of the Ottoman Empire in 1505. This Muslim empire controlled this area until 1830.
  8. Algeria was the center of the Barbary slave trade from the 16th to 18th centuries. Thousands of Europeans remained as slaves in Algeria and its neighboring lands during that period. (Source)
    Route of Barbary slave trade from 16th to 18th Century
    Algeria was the center of Barbary slave trade

  9. The French Empire occupied Algeria in 1830. The French occupation continued until the independence of modern Algeria.
  10. A tree in the Botanical Garden of Hamma, built in 1832, is known as the Tarzan tree. It was used on the film set for the “Tarzan” movie.
  11. During the 1930s, Algeria became the world’s largest exporter of wine. The country held this title throughout the remaining colonial era till 1962. (Source)
  12. Unlike other Arab countries, women in Algeria have achieved economic and political significance. Nearly 70% of lawyers, 60% of judges, and 60% of university students in Algeria are women. (Source)
  13. Algeria is mostly composed of the Sahara desert. The majority of the population reside in northern coastal areas, with plenty of rain and mild temperature.
  14. The modern state of Algeria was established in July 1962 after its independence from France. This independence was the result of the successful Algerian War of Independence (1954-62). 
  15. Algeria has the 3rd largest oil reserves in Africa (after Libya and Nigeria) and the 16th largest in the world.
  16. Algeria also has the 2nd largest reserves of natural gas in Africa (after Nigeria). These are also the 11th largest in the world. It is also the largest exporter of natural gas in Africa. 
  17. The export of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) accounts for 60% of budget revenue, 30% of GDP, and 95% of export earnings for Algeria.
  18. Algeria has the 3rd lowest price for petrol in the world. Only Venezuela and Saudi Arabia provides petrol at cheaper rates than this African country. (Source)
  19. Algiers, the capital of Algeria, has at least six cable car systems. It is the second largest cable car system in the world after La Paz in Bolivia. (Source)
  20. Algeria has the highest HDI (Human Development Index) in mainland Africa and the 3rd highest in the continent. Only Mauritius and Seychelles are more developed African countries than Algeria. (Source)
  21. Algeria has the 3rd lowest public debt (20.4%) in Africa (after Botswana and Nigeria) and the 10th lowest in the world. (Source)
  22. Algeria’s national animal, the fennec fox, is the world’s smallest mammal of the dog family (canid). It is present in Algeria and its neighboring countries.
  23. Algeria has the 2nd largest military in Africa after Egypt. However, a large part of their military consists of paramilitary and reserves.
    Army personnel with APC
    Algeria has highest military budget and 2nd largest army in Africa

  24. Algeria has the highest military budget in Africa. The country is in the 21st position on the list of countries with the highest military budget in the world. (Source
  25. Around 99% population of Algeria is of Arab-Berber ethnicity. It is also the largest Arab country by area.
  26. Algerian female novelist, Ahlam Mosteghanemi, is known as the “world’s best-known arabophone woman novelist.” She is the first Algerian woman to publish a book in Arabic and also the first contemporary Arab author who sold millions of copies. Her literary work earned her the title of UNESCO Artist for Peace in 2016. (Source)
  27. Boughera El Ouafi was the first Algerian and African player to win Olympic gold medal. He won the gold medal in the marathon during the 1928 Summer Olympics. Algeria was part of France at that time.  
  28. There are 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Algeria. 6 of these are cultural sites in the northwest of the country. (Source)
  29. The Deglet Noor date is originally from Algeria. But it has been cultivated in California for over a century. It is known as the most popular date in the USA. (Source)
  30. Algeria is one of the few countries in Africa that provide universal healthcare services to their citizens. (Source)


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