60+ Interesting Facts About Alcohol

  1. Alcohol causes 3 million deaths every year, which accounts for 5.3% of all deaths in the world. In the age group of 20-39 years, 13.5% of deaths are attributed to alcohol drinking. (Source)
  2. Apart from the earth, alcohol is also present in other parts of the universe. At a distance of 6,500 light-years in outer space, there is a giant cloud of alcohol. But most of this is methyl alcohol that is unfit for drinking. (Source)
  3. Before 2011, anything with less than 10% alcohol was considered food in Russia. The country classified beer as an alcoholic drink after passing a bill in 2011. (Source)
  4. The human body breaks down 1 unit of alcohol in an hour. A standard glass of average strength wine has more than 2 units. (Source)
  5. Alcohol can be detected in a blood test for 12 hours, in a urine test for 3 to 5 days, and in a hair follicle drug test for 90 days. (Source)
  6. According to a 2010 study by ISCD( Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs), alcohol is the most harmful drug for users and other people. Alcohol is even more harmful than heroin, cocaine, and tobacco. (Source)
  7. The soldiers of NSW Corpse deposed the Governor of Sydney, William Bligh, on 26th January 1808 and imposed martial law in the colony. This only military rule in Australia continued for two years. It is known as the “Rum Rebellion” because New South Wales Corps was known as “Rum Corps” thanks to its heavy involvement in the rum trade in the colony. (Source)
  8. In 1826, a riot occurred in West Point Military Academy in New York against the prohibition of alcohol. It is known as the Eggnog riot, which resulted in court martial and expulsion of several cadets. (Source)
  9. The word Alcohol derives from the Arabic word Kuhl (a powder used as eyeliner). A Persian physician and alchemist, al-Razi (Rasis), discovered this chemical.
  10. According to a recent study, alcohol is extremely harmful to non-drinkers due to its effects on drinkers. Most non-drinkers are negatively affected by harassment, physical aggression, vandalism, family problems, and rash driving from alcohol drinkers. (Source)
  11. According to a recent study, the health benefits of red wine were previously exaggerated. It increases cancer risks like any other alcoholic beverage. (Source)
  12. Alcohol is a depressant, and regular and heavy drinking can make a person depressed. Drinkers are more likely to make the wrong decisions. (Source)
  13. Alcohol lowers core body temperature. The hypothermic effect of alcohol disturbs mood and sleep at night. (Source)
  14. 45% of adult people in the world (55% women, 35% men) are lifetime abstainers who never drink alcohol. (Source)
  15. More than 33% of East Asian people (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) can’t metabolize alcohol. It is due to the inherited deficiency of an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of alcohol. (Source)
  16. In a study in 13 nations between 1950 and 1972, alcohol consumption has proved to be directly related to suicide and homicide. (Source)
  17. In 1875, 5,000 barrels of whiskey and other spirits flowed through the streets of Dublin as a result of a fire. 13 people died in this alcohol flood, all due to poisoning. (Source)
  18. Alcohol has proved to be the deadliest drug in the USA as far as violent crimes are concerned. It is far more dangerous than cocaine and opiates. (Source)
    Different types of Alcoholic beverages
    Alcohol increases violence and crimes in society

  19. Alcohol consumption deteriorates the effects of smoking by inserting harmful chemicals of tobacco inside the body cells that are otherwise (without alcohol consumption) present in the upper digestive tract. This combination (alcohol and smoking) can easily cause cancers of the mouth and throat. (Source)
  20. The oldest alcoholic beverage in the world was discovered in China. This wine was made from rice, honey, and hawthorn fruit in Henan province around 7000 BC. (Source)
  21. The oldest known standard recipe for beer was written in ancient Mesopotamia in a 3,900 years old poem. (Source)
  22. The first-ever milkshake, prepared in 1875, was alcoholic. The preparation of non-alcoholic milkshakes started in the 1900s. (Source)
  23. Alcohol consumption is prohibited (haram) in Islam. It is also the only religion that designates punishment (40 to 80 lashes) for alcohol drinkers of the Muslim faith. Therefore, many Muslim countries have banned the consumption of alcohol. 
  24. Drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period (binge drinking) can cause alcohol poisoning. This condition produces symptoms that include confusion, vomiting, irregular breathing, hypothermia, and others. It can cause death if not treated immediately. (Source)
  25. Alexander once held a drinking contest between Greeks and Persians. All 41 competitors died from alcohol poisoning. (Source)
  26. The lowest and highest quantities of alcohol are present in light beers (4.2%) and distilled spirits (around 40%), respectively.
  27. Several fresh fruit juices also contain a negligible amount of alcohol. However, the alcohol content increases with increase in their storage time.
  28. Alcoholic beverages are prepared by fermentation of fruits, vegetables, grains, honey, and sugarcane.
  29. Alcohol consumption increases the production of estrogen in both men and women. It causes low sexual performance in men and higher risks of breast cancer in women.
  30. A heavy drinker usually faces Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) after suddenly stopping alcohol consumption. Symptoms of AWS may include: tremors, nausea, headache, sweating, confusion, high blood pressure, nightmares, etc. (Source)
  31. In China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, a venomous snake is dropped into a bottle of wine for the preparation of snake wine. (Source)
  32. Alcoholic beverages were banned in the USA, Canada, Iceland, and some other western countries in the initial decades of the 20th Century. But the ban was lifted after a few years due to public demand. 
  33. In 1926, the U.S. govt. poisoned alcohol during prohibition to stop people from drinking. This intentional poisoning killed around 10,000 people. (Source)
  34. The use of rum as currency started in colonial Australia in 1790. Soon, it became the main currency of that area. (Source)
  35. Male fruit flies drink more alcohol when rejected by females. It happens because alcohol stimulates the brain in a way similar to mating. (Source)
  36. Even modest alcohol consumption can adversely affect sperm quality in men. It produces negative effects on sperm count, size, and shape. (Source)
    Sperm and egg
    Alcohol consumption deteriorates sperm quality in men

  37. Abstaining from alcohol for just one month can reduce the chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, and liver impairment. (Source)
  38. NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism), a part of U.S. NIH (National Institute of Health), conducted a 10-year-long study to find the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. The study “proved” that moderate alcohol drinking is safe. According to later findings, this study was funded by the alcohol industry. (Source)
  39. But the results of an independent study were very different. The study on 600,000 drinkers of 19 high-income countries proved that drinking even a lower amount of alcohol (5 medium glasses of wine per week) reduces the life of drinkers by several years. Life expectancy decreases further with an increase in alcohol consumption. (Source)
  40. Another comprehensive study has proved that there is no safe limit for alcohol, and it should be abandoned for better health. This study was conducted on men and women (between ages 19 and 45) in 195 countries from 1990 to 2016. It showed that alcohol is the main factor behind the disease and premature death in both genders. Alcohol contributed to the most deaths in China, India, and Russia, while the highest percentage of alcohol consumption was in Denmark, Norway, and Germany. (Source)
  41. 20% of alcohol is absorbed in the stomach, and the remaining 80% of absorption takes place in the small intestine. (Source)
  42. Alcohol dissolves quickly in muscles (that contain water) than fat. It is the reason that people with more fatty tissues have higher blood alcohol concentrations.
  43. Russians consume the highest amount of vodka in the world, and it is the favorite alcoholic beverage in the country. The popularity of vodka in Russia is because Russians consider vodka to be healthier and most suited for Russian food than other types of alcohol. (Source)
  44. Vladimir the Great, ruler of Kievan Rus, adopted Christianity instead of Islam due to the prohibition of alcohol in Islam. It resulted in the Christianization of Russia.
  45. The percentage of men compared to women in Russia and its neighboring countries is one of the lowest in the world. The most significant factor for this high female ratio is the extensive use of alcohol (especially vodka) by men in these countries. (Source)
  46. Alcohol produces worse effects in women as compared to men. It is due to the higher concentration of fat in women, which stores more alcohol. Apart from that, females also produce less amount of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. (Source)
  47. A cruise ship, known as a Baltic booze cruise, sails between Stockholm (Sweden) and Helsinki (Finland). The passengers can purchase tax-free cheap alcohol during this trip. Alcohol is extremely expensive in both these countries. (Source)
  48. On 9th May 1945 after midnight, everyone in Moscow partied after hearing news of the German defeat in WW2. By 10th May 1945, the entire stock of vodka was finished. (Source)
  49. In the 1990s, Russia used vodka for currency amid financial crises. It has been used in place of currency since the 16th Century. (Source)
  50. Like all other types of alcohol, the consumption of vodka is also harmful. But it can provide several other benefits. These include: treating dandruff, removing feet odor, soothing earache, removing stains, cleaning eyeglasses, etc. (Source)
  51. The world’s hottest vodka is Naga Chilli Vodka. It is made from the world’s hottest chili, which is 200 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper. (Source)
  52. Coffee can reduce the liver damage caused by drinking alcohol. Several studies have proved that consuming two cups of coffee per day can significantly lower the risk of liver cirrhosis. (Source)
  53. Not only drinking alcohol but even taking alcohol in the mouth can also be very harmful. Mouthwash that contains alcohol can increase the risk of oral cancer. (Source)
    Mouthwash products
    Alcohol-containing mouthwash can cause oral cancer

  54. Alcohol releases endorphins in specific areas of the brain. These chemicals produce feelings of pleasure. (Source)
  55. Excessive alcohol consumption for long can damage the brain, which can result in Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. (Source)
  56. Contrary to popular belief, even moderate alcohol consumption is harmful to the brain as it weakens cognitive functions over time. (Source)
  57. Even a small amount of regular alcohol consumption increases the risks of several types of cancers in women. (Source)
  58. Alcohol decreases the absorption of several vitamins and dietary minerals, which results in a deficiency of these nutrients in the body. (Source)
  59. A single drink of alcohol (two glasses of wine or three glasses of beer) reaches the brain immediately. The brain cells react to this tiny amount of alcohol in just 6 minutes. (Source)
  60. Drinking wine before a meal stimulates hunger. It also increases the loss of control because alcohol is not digested and travels quickly to the bloodstream and brain. (Source)
  61. Tequila Ley is the world’s most expensive alcohol, costing $3.5 million. This extremely high price is due to its long age and the presence of expensive metals on the bottle. (Source)
  62. Amsterdam employs chronic alcoholics as cleaners. They receive cans of beer with money and tobacco for cleaning the streets three days a week. (Source)


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